Adorable video we took a while ago while Ty & I were playing marbles. I love this boy!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas everyone! We hope you had a wonderful time with family and friends. We sure did!

Santa visited our house this year!

We decided to do our own Christmas on December 22. We were going to Tyler's parents but we still wanted to do Christmas together, so we did it before we left. This is a picture of Parker seeing the gifts for the first time. He loves the new sled that Santa brought him. Sadly, there is no snow, so he will have to wait to use it. What's going on this year?? No snow in December?! I'm not complaining!!

The gifts that Tyler and my parents spoiled me with this year. I love my Shark!!

A close-up of the beautiful piece of blown glass that Ty bought me. LoVe It!

Tyler's Christmas presents. Professional grade tool set from me/mom & dad Duce, Rock Band set from me, remote control truck from my brother Mike, .... Ty LOVES his tool set.

All of the stuff that Parker got. Pirate ship and cell phone from Nana & Papa, Books from Great Grandma and Grandpa Lance, Firetruck from Cousin Ben, Movies and Elephant pillow from Mom & Dad, Sled from Santa. He loves it all!

A video of Parker opening his elephant pillow. He is so stinkin cute!
Parker and Ben playing with the semi that Grandma and Grandpa gave them. They each got one. They love it!

It was a blast spending time with all of our family. Grandpa was able to be home. He started driving truck, so he wasn't able to be home for Thanksgiving, but we sure enjoyed spending time with him over Christmas! We are so grateful for such wonderful family on both sides. We are so loved. Have a happy new year!
Santa visited our house this year!
We decided to do our own Christmas on December 22. We were going to Tyler's parents but we still wanted to do Christmas together, so we did it before we left. This is a picture of Parker seeing the gifts for the first time. He loves the new sled that Santa brought him. Sadly, there is no snow, so he will have to wait to use it. What's going on this year?? No snow in December?! I'm not complaining!!
The gifts that Tyler and my parents spoiled me with this year. I love my Shark!!
A close-up of the beautiful piece of blown glass that Ty bought me. LoVe It!
Tyler's Christmas presents. Professional grade tool set from me/mom & dad Duce, Rock Band set from me, remote control truck from my brother Mike, .... Ty LOVES his tool set.
All of the stuff that Parker got. Pirate ship and cell phone from Nana & Papa, Books from Great Grandma and Grandpa Lance, Firetruck from Cousin Ben, Movies and Elephant pillow from Mom & Dad, Sled from Santa. He loves it all!
A video of Parker opening his elephant pillow. He is so stinkin cute!
Parker and Ben playing with the semi that Grandma and Grandpa gave them. They each got one. They love it!
It was a blast spending time with all of our family. Grandpa was able to be home. He started driving truck, so he wasn't able to be home for Thanksgiving, but we sure enjoyed spending time with him over Christmas! We are so grateful for such wonderful family on both sides. We are so loved. Have a happy new year!
Congratulations Daddy!!!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Parker's New Adorable Laugh
Parker has all of a sudden started a new laugh and it is SO cute! If I go into the bathroom and close the door he cries, so I have started just cracking the door. He always comes and pushes it open with a huge smile and a laugh. I have been wanting to get a video of it because it just melts my heart every time. He's my little ham! Enjoy!!
Parker Nowadays...
A little update. Parker loves:
*Climbing (and hiding) underneath the Christmas tree.
*Pulling off the Christmas ornaments and bringing them to us. Sometimes he even says "ball" when he hands it to us. The entire bottom of our tree (as far up as Parker can reach) is bare of ornaments. Sometimes we will put the ornaments back up and within 5 minutes he pulls them off again. I have just decided to live with a half naked tree.
*Ripping the wrapping paper off of the presents. He has completely opened one present, and it happened to be his! It was his present from Grandma Duce, so we just let him have it early. Besides that, he has only chose to partly rip open 2 others.
*Playing in the pots and pans cupboard. It is really cute until he gets into the glass lids...needless to say we got a gate to keep him out of the kitchen.
*Shoes. Any shoe that he can get ahold of he puts his hands in and crawls with around the apartment.
*Going outside. He is such a good helper when it comes to putting on his warm clothes. He looks so stinkin cute!
*His binky! I thought that maybe if I got him liking a binky then I could slowly wien him from nursing. Well, it worked--just WAY too fast! 2 days after his birthday he decided that he didn't want to nurse anymore. OUCH! It is really nice now though. He has started eating better and sleeping through the night. YAY!
*Daddy-time. This month is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I am so grateful. Except for 2 BIG tests, Tyler's schedule is empty for this entire month. We are so enjoying this quality time with him. Parker is so happy when his daddy is here. I am not looking forward to real-life returning in January.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Happy Birthday Parker!!!
I can hardly believe that my little boy is one. This past year has definitely flown by. He has hung in there with us while we moved around so much. We got to spend July with Grandma & Grandpa Little and CJ in Downey. Then we moved in to our new apartment in Rexburg, and a week later we moved to Nana and Papa's in Canada. We just got to move back to Rexburg this month, and he is really missing all the attention. He sure got attached to everyone--CJ, Jacilyn, Uncle Mike and Auntie Julie, and of course all the grandparents. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful family!! In honor of his first birthday, I just want to reflect on some of my favorite achievements and moments with Parker.

1.Watching Parker with his daddy. Whether Parker is getting tickled or carried around on Daddy's shoulders, his is always grinning from ear to ear. If I am rubbing Tyler's hair, Parker comes over and helps me. They love each other so much! Favorite moment: While on daddy's shoulders, Parker has started laying his head on Tyler's. It's so adorable!!
2. Parker learning to give great hugs in the beginning of November. I love it! Nana was able to get it on some of those, too. He has to be in the mood, but when he is--its simply amazing.
3. Parker starting to give wet kisses on the lips. So cute! Favorite moment: Parker trying his hardest to kiss me on the lips while I was talking to his doctor. SO cute!
4. I love watching Tyler's face light up when Parker does ANY new achievement. I am so grateful for it because it makes me realize that most of the time I'm not stopping to smell the roses. Favorite moment: Tyler's thrill when he watched Parker walk for the first time.
5. Parker's little voice. I absolutely love when he says "mom" or "mom-ma," which is quite often since it gets my attention. He also says "Dad" with lots of emphasis on the second d. He recently started saying "yeah" and "hi." Favorite moment: I let him run around naked the other day and I kept calling him "nakey." Then he said "nakey"--twice!
Of course I have so many more favorites, but I want to get on to some pictures from his birthday parties. Enjoy!
Happy Birthday Parker!! We love you :-)
Duce Birthday party
Little Birthday party!
Parker's first money! $10 from Great-Grandma and Grandpa Little. Thanks!
A cute outfit and an MP3 player from Great-Grandma and Grandpa Lance. Thanks!!
Parker's big present from Mommy and Daddy...what could it be?!?
WooHoo! A steering wheel!!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Happy Halloween!!
Ty got to come up to Canada this weekend, and he is attempting to make my family celebrate Halloween. We pulled out all my mom's Halloween decorations (basically nothing) just for him. He got us to carve pumpkins. It was really fun!! Julie came over too, since all the men are out hunting for the week. It was really fun spending the day with her. Here are some pictures showing off our pumpkin carving skills:
Mom's finished product. Great job!
Our finished product! (L-R: Parker's, Jeanna's, Tyler's)
Because of my perfectionism, Tyler did both his and Parker's in the time that I did mine. He made Parker's into a baby. It has a binky in its mouth. haha :-)
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Parker took his first steps alone a few days ago, and I have been wanting to get a video of it. Today seemed like the perfect day--Grandma Little turns the big 5-0! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA!!! WOW! A HALF CENTURY?!? :-)
He didn't walk to his full potential in these videos, but you get the idea. About a half hour later he walked half way across the bedroom--but only Tyler saw it :-(
Anyways, these videos are for Grandma on her very special day. WE LOVE YOU!!!
Friday, October 21, 2011
For Uncle CJ!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Newest Accomplishment
Parker surprised us with something totally new last night...and I got a video of it. Check it out!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
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