I bribed Parker into rolling on to his tummy since I missed it earlier in the day. Here it is!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
New Toys
Yes, I realize that this is a doll, and that Parker is definitely a boy, but I can explain this. I was trying to clean some ink off of the dolls face and I looked over and Parker was just staring her down. So, I set her in front of him and he spent the next minute or two just laughing at her! He acted just like he does when he sees himself in the mirror. (Doesn't mean that he is ready for a sibling! haha) I LOVE this picture! So cute--sucking on the dolls pacifier.
I dressed Parker in this onesie and realized that I have a matching hat. So, we had a little photo shoot. :-) He spent the rest of the day playing with (and sucking on) the hat.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Parker has a hard time on his tummy now. He only likes it for about 20 seconds. We decided that it is because he can't see everything that is going on. So, I got the idea to prop him up in his crib, and he loved it! He still loves this mirror from Grandma Little! He was so happy... he probably lasted there for about a half hour!
Playing with his cousin, Ben. Ben was wondering why Parker was in his walker. (Notice Ben's curly hair? So cute!)

Just a picture of Ben and his first haircut. We miss the curls, but he looks like such a big boy now!
I am so bummed! Parker just rolled from his back to his tummy and we haven't even witnessed it! I was blogging just now when I heard him crying in the front room. I went out there and he was on his tummy. When he saw me he started smiling. I started praising him and he got a huge grin on his face. It was so cute, but I am so sad that I missed it! He then rolled, right away, back to his back. My baby boy is getting so big!
While I was waiting for Tyler to get ready for swimming I played this with Parker. He was laughing harder before the camera was pulled out, of course, but his staticky hair was hilarious.
We started Parker on rice cereal on April 17th, but it wasn't until the 28th that he actually started wanting it. Yesterday he started crying about an hour after I nursed him. He wanted his rice cereal! It was the time of day that I usually fed it to him, and he was just reminding me! haha. This video is sorta boring since it is after his first bowl of cereal, but I just wanted to show how he now likes to help with the spoon. So cute!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Easter Basket
I wanted to take a picture of all that Parker got in his easter basket. Grandma Little got him a book about jungle animals and a set of keys, Uncle Kody got him a little bear puppet, and we filled his basket with a bunch of bathtub toys, two balls to play with, a teddy bear, a crazy alien thing (which he totally loves!), and a fireman hat.
Just a couple of adorable pictures of him in his hat. He loves dressing up like daddy! :-)
I have been trying to get a picture of Parker sitting up on his own. He did it for the first time on the 20th. He is getting better at it everyday, but it is still hard trying to get a picture before he falls over on his face. I happened to catch a picture today. It is so fun watching him learning new things!

A video from yesterday with Parker in his jumper. He has gotten so much better! He had the wiggles so bad last night, so we put him in his jumper and he had a blast. What a cutie :-)
Monday, April 25, 2011
Easter Weekend 2011
We had an absolute blast this past weekend in Downey, Idaho with Tyler's family. It was awesome because it was the entire family, and there was not a moment where we weren't ALL laughing! We have so much fun when we are all together. We did a lot of fun things, but I think the best part was that Tyler's parents spoke in Sacrament Meeting on the life of Christ. It was really cool hearing their testimonies on the life of our Savior. Happy Easter everyone!
Fun family pictures in front of a barn...LOVE IT!
Parkers first time hanging outside! It was so nice in Downey, so I brought him out in his walker while we all played with the football and frisbee. He loved it!

Adorable picture with Daddy. Tyler had this onesie before we even were married. We were so excited for Parker to be big enough to wear it. This is his first time wearing it (it is 6-9 month). It says "Jr Missionary--Soldier for the Army of Helaman" on the tag. So cute!

Tyler was rocking Parker and they both fell asleep. I had to capture such an adorable moment!
Tyler was rocking Parker and they both fell asleep. I had to capture such an adorable moment!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Free photo shoot?!
Hi all!
If you are in Idaho, then check this out! http://www.lindseymarlorphotography.blogspot.com/ is giving away a free photo shoot!! Go to the website for instructions! :-)
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Ben's 1st Birthday
Benji is one year old! This was at his birthday party.
At the party Parker experienced balloons for the first time. He loved them! I didn't really get any great pictures of it, but he just kept reaching for them :-)
Parker also got to meet Great Grandpa and Grandma Little at Bennys birthday party. I'm really sad that I didn't get a good picture of them holding him. We get to see them again on Easter next week, so I will have my camera in hand all weekend!
This is a bench that Great Grandpa and Grandma brought home from Arizona for Benny and Parker. Parker loved modeling on it for us :-) We got LOTS of fun pictures. Here are just a few. We will get some pictures with Benny too next weekend!
I had Parker in his swing and he started fussing a little so I brought his big tiger out from Uncle Chris and Aunt Jean. He was kissin' on it for a while and then I decided to have him ride it. It was so funny! He loved it! (I LOVE this picture!)

A picture with Daddy. Ty accidentally got whipped with a towel in the eye, and this is after his appointment so he had to keep his glasses on. Ty did put his glasses on Parker, and it was absolutely adorable, but Parker kept pulling them off before I could take a picture. Oh well, I will definitely get a picture of it before long :-) (In case you are wondering, Tyler's eye is fine...another miracle in our lives!)

Parker has a fascination with pop cans right now, so I thought that if I let him chew on one then maybe he would stay on his tummy longer without getting mad. It sorta worked, but I think he was getting mad that he wasn't getting anything out of it. He is really smart!

Lately, one of Parker's favorite things is pulling blankets over his face--NOT a good thing! So I started saying, "Take it off," and he would pull it down. It has become a game now. This is a video that we took of him playing it with us. Now I just say, "where's Parker?" and he pulls it down. It is so much fun!
Parker's first real time eating rice cereal! We gave it to him a week ago, but he only took a couple bites and then got upset. Tyler's mom recommended that we thin out the cereal more. I did that tonight, and he LOVED it! Here is the proof! Our little boy is growing up so fast!! I guess we need a high chair now!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
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