Tyler spoiled me for my first mother's day. We finally went and got professional pictures taken of Parker. It was so much fun. I was kinda bummed though because I didn't get enough time to feed Parker first, so he wasn't as smiley as usual. The still turned out adorable though :-) We got some of just Ty and I, some family pictures, and some of just Parker. We get to pick up the prints on Friday, but in the meantime I just took pictures of the photos on my computer. Good enough for now...I just wanted to share some!
We got to go to Downey to visit Tyler's family for Mother's Day. We had a lot of fun. Parker loved the big open family room--he was rolling in circles! He is definitely more mobile. I'm going to have to start watching him more carefully! Luckily, I got pictures of Parker with his great-grandparents, and we finally got the 4-generation photo I have been wanting!
Parker got to sit on great-grandpa Little's lap during Sacrament meeting, and he was going to town on his bolo tie. We had it drenched and gagged on it a couple times. I wish I could have gotten a video of it. That sight will be something we all talk about for years and years. So cute!
Four generations of Little's
I love going to Downey. I am so grateful that I am so close with both Tyler's parents and grandparents. I am so lucky! I feel like I have been apart of the family my entire life! I love you guys!
We are counting down the days until July when we can go see my family! I have been wanting to show Tyler the awesome July 1st celebrations in Raymond, and it looks like I will finally be able to this year! YAY! It will be awesome to have Parker together with his 3 cousins too! Man...we sure love our family!!! Happy Mother's Day---Mom's and Grandma's! We are so grateful for you :-)
I just love his eyes in this one...deer in the headlights!
So cute! Modeling daddy's swimming goggles (and going cross-eyed). haha. He loves them!