We've had quite the miracles in the last couple weeks. We finally got the new transmission in my car. Amazingly, Tyler was able to find a used transmission online, so we saved LOTS on that. The day we got the car back we cleaned it up, made 'for sale' signs, and listed it on Craigslist, Bulletin Board, and KSL. This was on the evening of May 26th. The next morning we left for Downey to spend the holiday with Tyler's family. We got there and I checked our email and we already had a voicemail and an email about the car. The lady who left the voicemail wanted to look at the car as soon as possible. So Tyler turned around and drove back to Blackfoot, to meet her. Funny enough, she was from Rexburg, but drove an hour to come take a look at it. She wanted to buy the car! So Tuesday morning she had it checked out by her mechanic and then she bought it for only $4o0 less than we were asking! As much of a blessing that was, it gets SO much better! We followed her to her house with the car, and she asked Tyler if he was interested in a van. We had decided against a van, but he said he would take a look anyways. I was wondering what was taking so long, so I got out of the truck and went to find out. I get over there and Tyler jokingly said, "you want a van?!" I kinda chuckled and went to take a look at it. It was a 1997 Ford Windstar with 185,000 miles. It looked alright, and Tyler started it up and messed with it. He eventually asked her what she was asking for it, and she said that she was basically giving it away. She said "I dunno...$100?" We both thought she was kidding, so Tyler asked her again, saying "no, seriously..." She said, "$100." Tyler asked me what I thought, and I said, "Give her $100 bucks!"
Bye Bye 'BELLA'....
Hello 'DORA'!
Pretty good lookin' van for $100 bucks eh?! We are so blessed.
Tyler has had a blast fixing the small problems with the van. Now I am SO excited for June 24th and my trip to pick up Jessica and her boys and heading to CANADA for 2 weeks!!! (13 days!) WoW...what a miracle. :-)
Today was garage sale day! We spent most of the morning traveling around and looking for great deals. And we found some! We got a bag of baby clothes for $3. A huge box of adorable 18m+ baby clothes and pajamas for $8 , and a bunch of NFR buckles for $5 each. I got a collection to pass out within my family...I am so stinkin excited about them!
Mike & Julie's Mine & Parker's
Mom's Dad's
Dad's & Jacilyn's
Tyler found possibly the best deal today. He saw this sign...
and ended up with this....
for $75! :-)
He was like a little kid in Santa's toy shop! You should have seen his smile! It took me pulling him behind the truck to be able to get it running, but Ty thinks that a new carburetor will fix that problem.