Sunday, September 25, 2011
Newest Accomplishment
Parker surprised us with something totally new last night...and I got a video of it. Check it out!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Haircut #2
Parkers hair has gotten crazy in the last couple weeks. It was definitely time to cut it again. I decided to try the clippers this time--pretty daring since I was doing it by myself. It actually went great! As long as he had something in his hand he didn't turn and look at me. He did great! Here are some pictures of the end result:
Parker's favorites list:
Parker and I are loving being in Canada with so much to do! We have fun playing with the kittens, petting the horses and cows, playing on the lawn (lady bugs fascinate him!), swinging on the swing set, and so much more! Parker notices when daddy isn't here, because he isn't quite as happy until Daddy comes back. He has mastered the walker, doesn't really like the jumper anymore (would rather be exploring), loves the bathroom (toilet.....yikes), loves--but gets in trouble with--the vertical blinds in the family room (he has broken three already), loves his Lightning McQueen car we got him and his rocking horse, LOVES Aunt Jacilyn (although none of us really know why. All she does is tickle and pester him all day.) He must be teething lately--it's about time!--because he had a fever almost all last week, and he has been a terrible eater. Most of the time he won't even eat his favorite foods! It is really frustrating, but hopefully he will start eating soon. (And hopefully he gets teeth before he turns one!!!)
I was working on the computer downstairs with Parker when it got quiet. I went to see what was going on this is what I found: (Sorry it is so dark)
This is his absolute first time climbing stairs. I was so proud of him! Now I need to watch him even more.
Parker will have random giggle fits and this was one the other day. He always laughs when I go to nurse him and I react to his FREEZING cold hands. This time I just pretended and he started laughing.
Nana likes holding Parker while he is sleeping because he doesn't stay on her lap any other time. I had to get a picture of this because it is just like the picture we took when he was only a couple of days old. Both his arms and legs are crossed just like in that other picture from November.
Last week I volunteered to help Jacilyn tie some tarps down over the hay if Dad babysat Parker. This is what I saw when I came back in the house. SO cute!!! (This was one of his fever days.)

I still need to get a picture of Parker's latest wave and smile. They are so adorable. I guess he smiles just like I did when I was little. I will work on that once he wakes up from his nap.
Monday, September 12, 2011
We can randomly get Parker to tummy laugh, but it always happens to be at a time that there is no camera around. I finally got a video of him laughing a couple nights ago! I was feeding him dinner, and he just started laughing at me so I ran for the camera. Enjoy!
Parker has recently found a couple different ways to crawl. This was last night after he had cinnamon apples for dinner. He was SO on a sugar high! Here are two videos of his craziness from last night.
Friday, September 9, 2011
WATERTON! --Bear's Hump
We went to Waterton on Monday since Tyler has never been there. We did a crazy hard hike up "Bears Hump" and this is the view from the top. Jacilyn loves holding Parker as much as she can. Once we got to the top she snatched him up.
My dad wasn't able to come since he was on call for work, but Michael and Julie came with us. We had a lot of fun!

Happy Birthday Tyler!
Happy Birthday Tyler! He turned the big -25- the first day we were in Canada. Jacilyn spoiled him with a great cake! Haha...she copied the logo off his hat.
I gave him a mask and snorkel for his birthday. It is way fun! Then my parents gave him this remote control helicopter. Talk about excited! He flies it every spare moment that he can! He has gotten REALLY good at it! :-)
Happy Birthday Daddy! We sure love you!!
Good-bye Rexburg (temporarily)
Our last couple of days in Rexburg were a blast! We got all moved in and then just played together as a family. We went to the park to play.
Parker loves watching mommy and daddy get ready in the morning. I had to get pictures of this! Tyler had to shave his beard off for the internship...and Parker's just taking it all in!
Parker and I are in Raymond, Alberta Canada for the next three months while Tyler does his internship in Great Falls, Montana. He will be running on the Ambulance every Monday-Thursday and will come stay in Raymond with us on the weekends. It should be fun!
Monday, September 5, 2011
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