How old is Parker?

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Ty got to come up to Canada this weekend, and he is attempting to make my family celebrate Halloween. We pulled out all my mom's Halloween decorations (basically nothing) just for him. He got us to carve pumpkins. It was really fun!! Julie came over too, since all the men are out hunting for the week. It was really fun spending the day with her. Here are some pictures showing off our pumpkin carving skills:
Julie trying her darndest to pull out her opening

I put the shavings up as hair and there was a cute little curl in the middle :-)

Tyler was too busy to look at the camera

What Parker was doing while we carved

Mom's finished product. Great job!

Our finished product! (L-R: Parker's, Jeanna's, Tyler's)
Because of my perfectionism, Tyler did both his and Parker's in the time that I did mine. He made Parker's into a baby. It has a binky in its mouth. haha :-)

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Parker took his first steps alone a few days ago, and I have been wanting to get a video of it. Today seemed like the perfect day--Grandma Little turns the big 5-0! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA!!! WOW! A HALF CENTURY?!? :-)

He didn't walk to his full potential in these videos, but you get the idea. About a half hour later he walked half way across the bedroom--but only Tyler saw it :-(

Anyways, these videos are for Grandma on her very special day. WE LOVE YOU!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

For Uncle CJ!

Tyler and I found this shirt at the Salvation Army and we both immediately thought of CJ. We had to buy it just for a picture! haha...and his face is perfect ;-)