How old is Parker?

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, January 30, 2012

New haircut!

I have been wanting to cut Parker's hair for a while now...and I finally did it today. This is the 'before' picture. He was coloring with markers for the first time in this picture...he eventually figured out that they colored on him, too. :-)

After... Doesn't this hairstyle fit him?!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fun videos of Parker

Parker has started to ride the horse that Nana and Papa gave him. He now sits up there on his own and makes it rock :-)

Daddy started making elephant noises for Parker and he started trying to do it too! SO cute!

Parker has a fascination with technology. He loves phones (and they have to be working ones. Not toys or old ones...he knows the difference), and he loves my iPod. This is a video of him using my iPod. Smart boy!

We figured out the other day that Parker loves hotdogs...with Ketchup. He dips them in the ketchup and I LOVE it! It's adorable :-)

A video of how Parker runs. Again, SO cute!

Parker's New Fun!

We used the money that Parker got for his Birthday and Christmas from Great-Grandpa and Grandma Little to buy this awesome ball pit. Parker loves it! He plays in it a majority of the day. It has helped him to learn how to throw balls quite well too. He especially loves when mom and dad get in it with him. He thinks it is hilarious!

He has also learned how to pull faces in the windows. It is really cute!

I wanted to see if he liked to color the other day, so we bought him crayons. I'm not sure if he enjoys coloring or eating the crayons more. Oh is still fun :-)

His coloring involves holding as many crayons as possible and hitting them against the page. He is so cute...

Saturday, January 14, 2012


I copied this idea from a friends blog...thought it would be fun :-)

A. Age: 24
B. Bed size: Queen
. Chore that you hate: Cleaning windows and blinds
D. Dogs: Hate some, like most. I like them outside though.
E. Essential start to your day: Feeding Parker
F. Favorite color: Purple
G. Gold or Silver: Silver
H. Height: 5'6
I. Instruments you play: Piano
J. Job title: Mommy!
K. Kids: Parker (14 months)
L. Live: Rexburg, Idaho
M. Mother’s name: Diane
N. Nicknames: Stinky poo and Beans. haha weird brothers
O. Overnight hospital stays: Labor and delivery
P. Pet peeves: Bad drivers and colored headlights
Q. Quote from a movie: "Put your hand down!"
R. Right or left handed: right
S. Siblings: Older sisters, Jessica and Jacilyn, and younger brother, Michael.
U. Underwear: Nice...they're white
V. Vegetable you hate: Tomato
W. What makes you run late: Parker!
X. X-Rays you’ve had: Foot and teeth
Y. Yummy food that you make: Tatortot Casserole, Roast and Potatoes, Taco Soup, Crock pot Chicken...
Z. Zoo animal: White Tigers, Monkeys, Elephants...and all babies!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Routine Believer!

Thank goodness for my genius husband! I took so many classes on parenting (and I basically majored in it) so I am kind of embarrassed that I didnt think of it on my own. Tyler mentioned that we should figure out some sort of routine to get Parker to go to sleep better at night. Since he was born we have rocked him until he was asleep, then we laid him down. I always enjoyed the cuddle time, but it had recently turned into LONG periods of rocking just for Parker to wake and scream when we laid him down. (It's the worst when he wakes up during the night) VERY annoying. Nonetheless, Tyler is a very smart man. One day last week he pulled out the scriptures and we read as a family on the couch. We then had family prayer together. Parker started looking really sleepy and I took a chance by telling him it was bedtime and kissed him. I laid him down and he cried for only about 2 minutes and then was out. That was Day 1. Day 2: Same routine...then said "bedtime" and kissed him and laid him down...cried for about 30 seconds. Day 3: Same routine... he cried as I walked to his room then he stopped when I laid him down. Day 4: Tyler took him in his room and not a peep! Just laid there, talked to himself for a few minutes and then fell asleep. WOW! I am now a SUPER believer in routines! He does just as well when it comes to nap too. It is so so nice! Thank you Tyler and your amazing intelligence :-)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Haircut!

Tyler wanted to give me some "me" time, so he had me go get a haircut and highlights! It was definitely LONG over-due for me to get a haircut. (It had been over 10 months.) I didnt take any before pictures, unfortunately, but I can easily describe it to you. Just about everyday for the last 6 months or more. I just got REALLY lazy, and with such naturally curly hair it is quick and easy to just throw it up. Anyways, this haircut is my most favorite cut EVER! Plus, I got highlights so that makes it even cuter :-)

I would love to hear what you think! Tyler says it makes me look older...

I just love getting makes me feel so pretty. Thanks Ty!