How old is Parker?

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Here are the pumpkins Ty & I carved, and the pumpkins Parker painted :-) We let him paint baby brothers too. It was a lot of fun!

FYI: My pumpkin is on the left, and Tyler's is on the right. Parker's is on the left, and baby brothers is on the right.

Parker was a dragon for Halloween. I wasn't going to do anything, but Ty came up with a simple idea. It was a big hit at the ward party :-) And, we went to see daddy in his costume after the party ;-)

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Making Halloween sugar cookies :-)


Cuteness! I was getting Parker's bed set back up after cleaning the sheets, and this is what I found when I was done. Cute!


I found a suit buried in Parker's dresser, and, to my surprise, it fit him! He was so excited to "look like daddy". He loved it :-) Anyways, here are some pictures of my handsome little man before church...

Saturday, October 27, 2012


We had our first snow the other day, and Parker LOVED it! Although he was freezing, he didnt want to come inside! We had to bribe him with hot chocolate to get him to come in. 

He insisted that he wanted to wear 180's and mommy's hat. Silly boy...

He saw mommy eating snow, and now he is addicted too...haha

Also a new favorite--icicles! I tried not to let him eat it, but there was no stopping him!

Such a sweetheart :-)

Sunday, October 14, 2012


This is my current favorite picture of my boys--ready to watch the patriots play :-)

Parker and Uncle C.J. outside the carousel. We loved having Grandma and CJ here! Come again!!!

Parker riding the bear outside the carousel.

Parker ready to go out to do chores with Aunt JJ while we were in Canada. He didn't have a coat, so Jacilyn put her jacket on him. He looked so cute.

Montana beauty

Tyler panning for gold, while Parker gets wet/throws rocks in the water. We stopped here to take nature pictures, but after noticing all the sparkle in the water, Ty just had to try panning it. It turned out to be the best place for Gold that we have found!

We just had to buy this shirt when we found it. Our mini paramedic loves it! 

Just a couple nature pictures that I took. We are always trying to find pretty scenes to get printed to hang above our entryway in the old window we found :-)