How old is Parker?

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, December 21, 2012

Our bundle has arrived :-)

Dez McKay Little finally arrived on Wednesday, December 19, 2012. I woke up at 4:15 with really strong contractions about 7 minutes apart. I didn't know if it was the real thing since they said they would be closer together. I just really didn't want to get sent home again. I took a bath a little before 6, and after I got out the contractions became 3 minutes apart. I finally woke Tyler up and we headed off to the hospital. When I got there they said I was dilated to a 5. YAY! This time they were keeping me! My contractions were extremely painful, and it took them 2 hours to get everything ready for an epidural. Finally, I was out of pain at 8:30. This picture shows me finally being able to smile. 

By 9:30 I was dilated to a 9, and they were just trying to get me to last until 10, so they could get both Antibiotic IV treatments in. (Since I was Strep-B positive.)  A little after 10, Doc had me try to push. After only about 4 pushes, my Doctor realized that the babies heartbeat was getting dangerously low, and he was still way too high. This is when we heard the bad news.  I needed an emergency C-Section.  Neither of us came in expecting that outcome at all. By now, I am in lots of pain from feeling the contractions again, and scared to death.  I wasn't really scared of the C-Section--it was more the recovery that scared me. This picture is of us all ready to move to the O.R. I wasn't feeling too hot at the moment...

The anesthesia for this surgery was so crazy! The absolute only part of my body that I could move was my eyes. They told me that I would feel like I couldn't breathe, but that I would really be breathing fine. I definitely felt like that, and it was awful. I tried asking for Oxygen, but I could not get the word out. Somehow the anesthesiologist knew what I needed. The whole experience was just really interesting. They said I would feel pressure, but honestly, I really didn't feel any at all.  I was surprised at how quick it went. Before I knew it, I was hearing the beautiful cry of my baby boy. 

Dez McKay Little arrived at 12:02 p.m. on December 19, 2012.  He was 8 lbs, 3.5 ounces, and was 20.5 inches long. 

 The recovery is hard, but is going well. We will be going home tomorrow (Saturday the 22nd). 

My wonderful mother was able to extend her stay here to help out, and she has been doing great with Parker. He has handled this MUCH better than anyone had anticipated that he would. I think they are partying at home, cause he seems like he isn't even missing us ;-)

Parker loves his baby brother--but not so much when mommy is holding him. He is so cute with him though :-)

Nana sure loves Dez!

Our beautiful family :-)

Monday, December 17, 2012



39 Weeks...and waiting

I have been having pretty regular contractions for two weeks now. I went into the hospital at 38 weeks and they sent me home even though I had 6 hours of 2-3 minute apart contractions. I just wasn't progressing.  I went in again at 39 weeks, and again, they sent me home.  I am now 39 weeks and 3 days.  We are trying to be patient, but we just want him here so badly! My mom came over a week ago when I went into the hospital for the first time.  She has been an amazing help, and we have had so much fun together! She has to return to work on Thursday or Friday this week, so we are really hoping she can hold a baby before she goes!!!  I have a doctor appointment tomorrow, and I am hoping he will be willing to induce me! Cross your fingers! :-)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Christmas Time

Parker got to meet Santa at our ward Christmas party, and to my surprise, he actually talked to him this time!! Here are a couple cute pictures from this Santa experience.
Also, pictures of Parker helping me make cinnamon ornaments. He loved it :-)
Merry Christmas everyone!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Nana & Papa

Parker pretending to be like nana and dressing daddy up like papa ;-)