How old is Parker?

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, January 25, 2013

Football star!

Parker is absolutely in love with football. It's a really good day when his football jersey is clean! He is really picky about what he wears, but he is ALWAYS willing to wear this outfit :-)
The other night I heard Ty say, "go show mommy." It's always fun to guess what I will see next. In comes Parker dressed like a true football player. (Ty stuffed towels in his shoulders). I almost died of laughing! Haha! What adorable men I have.


I found a fun recipe on Pinterest that I have been wanting to try for a while now. It only requires a box of corn starch and water. It's called GOOP! It's basically solid until you pick it up--then it turns into a liquid. I knew Parker would love it :-)

Monday, January 14, 2013

Dez & Nana

Making cookies

Tyler and Parker made cookies tonight. They were so cute in their aprons! I took lots of pictures of my cuties :-)

New toys

We had fun thrift-storing today, and we found some great new toys!

The puppet theater was a great find! It has Winnie the Pooh finger puppets that came with it. Parker is so cute with it--he puts on shows for us :-)

The aircraft carrier goes perfect with the airplanes that Ty gave Parker from his childhood. They've had a lot of fun with it. Parker woke up from his nap and immediately requested his airplanes. What a boy :-)

Parker loves the wire-maze thingy (i don't know what it's called...haha). We had to get him one since he loves the one at my OB doctor office.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

For Nana

I noticed that some of these are duplicates from a previous post...sorry about that!

Parker always wants to hold him!

A hat just for Papa

Papa finally wanted to hold him ;-)

Parkers adorable reaction to meeting Dez for the first time :-)