We decided to head to the East Helena Rodeo on Friday. Parker, of course, wanted to get all decked out in his cowboy clothes. :)
A really nice photographer came over to us and showed us this adorable shot he took. He said, "I took one look and thought, 'now that's a true cowboy.'" He was nice enough to just email it to us for free. I am in love with this picture! It's definitely getting blown up for the wall :)

This is Parker and his new friend Hayden (Ty's boss' son). We were asking Parker on the drive out there if he wanted to ride a sheep, and he was quite attimate that he did not! However, once he watched Hayden win the mutton bustin, and get a trophy, he now asks every day if he can ride a sheep. He was Hayden's little shadow for the rest of the night :)