I was online the other day looking for some cheap safari decals that we could put up in the baby room to decorate a little bit. I had absolutely no luck. Then I came across a How To website that told how you could make your own out of fabric! So I went shopping last monday and found some super cute print with the most adorable little safari animals. I came home and for FHE, Tyler and I worked on putting them up on the wall. Instead of Cornstarching them up on the wall like it said to, we ended up just taping them up 'cause you couldnt even tell! Here are some pictures of the finished product. We had to throw a picture of Christ in there somewhere :)

I also bought a little lamp for the room and found a cute matching fabric to recover the shade with. This is how it turned out...
Considering our college student budget, I think it turned out adorable!
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