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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Prego Belly

I know I have done terrible at taking pictures of my prego belly. I am rarely wearing anything besides my work outfit, and besides that I don't get dressed up too often. Tyler wanted to take a picture tonight, and this is what I was wearing:

Anyways, this is me and Bubba at 27 1/2 weeks (on August 24, 2010)


  1. found you!! I still say you're super cute pregnant!! Are you guys coming back up any time before the big day? I can't wait to meet him!!! Now, here are my blogs (I haven't posted since June, but once school starts I'll be back to posting again. I have a lot to say)

    and (this is the kids' blog. it's private so if you want a peek you'll need to send me your email so I can add you - this one hasn't been posted on since May. But like I said once school starts I'll post!)

    ttys, Laura

  2. Yay! Cuteness! Now the countdown is on for you :) I'm so glad you guys have blogs so I can keep updated and in touch! I hope to maybe one day be able to meet up with you and your cute family too!! Love and miss ya tons!
