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Saturday, October 2, 2010

33 Weeks

Tyler and I had a great day last Saturday. We wanted to go on a date so we got Sub's and went to a great park in Idaho Falls. The park was by the river, and was absolutely beautiful! We sat there eating our sub's while we watched a few families taking family pictures. We started talking about what we could call our little guy. We decided on Keagan Michael. After we left the park, and were driving past the Idaho Falls temple, I mentioned that I wanted to go see the remodeled temple visitors center. When we walked in, an elderly missionary invited us to watch the Joseph Smith movie with a family that was investigating the church. Although I put Tyler in charge of the date, I told him "definitely!" Of course I cried like a baby, and then as we sat in front of the Christus and listened to him speak, I started crying once again. It was the most spiritual experience that I have had in a long long time. I learned from this experience that some of the greatest dates are the cheap ones! On the drive home I mentioned that I wanted to name our son after Joseph. So we thought, Keagan Joseph. A keeper right? Well, when we got home and we kept calling him Keagan, I realized that sometimes it did not sound right. I mentioned it to Tyler and he agreed. So, we are back to square one---calling him Bubba cause we just can't decide...YET. :)
Tyler asked me yesterday what I thought about the name Gabriel. What do ya'll think??? I'm not sure.

I am now 33 weeks and at my doctors appointment this week, we found out that we are, once again, picture perfect. Awesome!
(I will try to take a current belly picture and post it soon...)

1 comment:

  1. I knew a boy in school whose name was Gabriel...he was teased a lot. Gabe the babe etc. It's hard picking names huh! Although Aaron's name was the easiest of our 3 kids to pick. Aaron Michael. Turns out a friend of mine in high school (not best friends, but he was a grade younger than me and we hung out) his name is Aaron Michael. I told him I for sure didn't name my baby after him. LOL
