How old is Parker?

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Family supports Parker James at his baby blessing! 11/21/10

From two amigos to three!

Proud mommy after the baby blessing.

Three generations of Little's!


Uncle CJ

Proud grandpa Little

Daddy time.

Parker loves his Mommy.

Bright eyed and bushy tailed!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Tummy Time!

Parker got to be on his tummy for the first time today. At five days old he rolled over...twice! Here is the video of our adorable little Parker!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Bringing Home Parker

Tyler is so cute with Parker! He tries to help me so much and always apologizes for not helping more (when basically the only thing he doesn't do is nurse)! He is an amazing daddy!

Parker's first picture at home. Thanks to Grandma Little for such an adorable outfit!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

38 Weeks!

Can you believe that I am now 38 weeks along?! I have been a little concerned because everyone kept asking me if I have had any contractions yet, and my answer was always no. Well, last night I had my first contraction! Tyler and I went to the Collin Raye concert at the school (AMAZING concert, by the way!). I wanted to walk there since I knew there wouldn't be parking anyways. It was a beautiful night and the walk there was great. About half-way home on the way back I had a wonderful contraction ;-) It didn't last too long, but it sure was exciting...making this a lot more real! The reality hit Tyler at that moment and he was both super excited and super scared. However, he did say that it wont be for real until he has the little guy in his arms. That will also have to be the moment when we finally figure out what his name will be. The time is fast approaching! Anyways, here is the 38 week picture that we took last night:

Just a picture of me holding my shirt tight.

Funny story: I took Tyler lunch at the school the other day, and one of the girls in the paramedic program was talking to him about how pregnant I looked. Another girl walked up and was like, "She wasn't pregnant!" Tyler chuckled and asked her if she only saw me from behind. :-) He thinks it is hilarious that from the back I absolutely do not look pregnant, so he made me take a picture from behind. Here's the side-by-side transformation:

We are having a blast together right now. My last day of work was Thursday, so we have basically just been celebrating our 1 year Anniversary this weekend. That's right--Sunday makes it 1 whole year that we have been married!
At our OB appointment this week we found out that I am 3cm dilated. Exciting eh?! I think as long as I keep walking a bunch I can go in the next week. Tyler and I placed bets on when we think he will be born. I said early Friday morning (Nov. 12), and he said November 17th. We shall see. I do have a mother that is praying hard that he will come early :-) I think she has pretty great faith ;-)