Just a picture of me holding my shirt tight.
Funny story: I took Tyler lunch at the school the other day, and one of the girls in the paramedic program was talking to him about how pregnant I looked. Another girl walked up and was like, "She wasn't pregnant!" Tyler chuckled and asked her if she only saw me from behind. :-) He thinks it is hilarious that from the back I absolutely do not look pregnant, so he made me take a picture from behind. Here's the side-by-side transformation:
We are having a blast together right now. My last day of work was Thursday, so we have basically just been celebrating our 1 year Anniversary this weekend. That's right--Sunday makes it 1 whole year that we have been married!
At our OB appointment this week we found out that I am 3cm dilated. Exciting eh?! I think as long as I keep walking a bunch I can go in the next week. Tyler and I placed bets on when we think he will be born. I said early Friday morning (Nov. 12), and he said November 17th. We shall see. I do have a mother that is praying hard that he will come early :-) I think she has pretty great faith ;-)
Ah! Jeanna! I'm getting so excited for you guys! You look absolutely adorable, by the way ;)