Parker is learning so many things lately! I can't believe how fast he is growing up. He started clapping and waving on the 21st. His new favorite thing is to walk around. Both in his walker and with help from anyone. He loves being at Grandma's with such a large area to crawl and walk around in. He is such a champ dealing with this terrible cold. He is really enjoying the time he gets to play with Daddy too. He is talking even more lately, and it sounds like he says "hi" and every now and then he says "momma." Of course he is constantly saying "da-da." He calls Grandpa "da-da" too. haha

To show how good Parky is getting at walking in his walker
Parker got his first boo-boo on the 27th. We were freaking out because we noticed blood dried on his chin. We were worried that he had been coughing up blood. Then I noticed that his fingers were all bloody too. I wiped it off and, luckily, he only had a small cut on his finger. We had to create a little bandaid for him. I had to take a picture of his first one! :-)

I love my boy!!!
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