How old is Parker?

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Growing up...

Today has been one of those days where Parker keeps doing things that make me realize how grown up he is. This morning, him and Ty were downstairs playing in Parker's room. He has a 'Cars' rug with roads to drive cars on. Ty told Parker to come upstairs and get some cars to play on it. When they came upstairs, Parker started playing in his toy bins, so Ty figured that he had forgotten about the cars. Ty had spent 15 minutes on the computer when Parker came over to him and showed him what he had been doing. Parker had gone through each of his toy bins and had collected each matchbox car that he had. He brought the cars to show Ty in his shape-sorter box. So, Parker spent 15 minutes finding all of his cars, put them all in a box, and brought them to Daddy to show him. Then he said, "come on!" and started walking back down the stairs. I can hardly believe how smart and grown up my little man is!

Another funny thing happened in Sacrament meeting today. I had just opened a package of animal crackers for him. The first cracker he pulled out was a lion, and he immediately roared like a lion. It was so cute! Of course it was during a perfectly quiet moment, so everyone around us busted up laughing. They also all laughed each time Parker loudly said "amen" at the end of each prayer. :-)

We had the privilege of having Nana and Papa here with us for church last week. Today, when we pulled into the church parking lot, Parker looked around and said, "Nana?" It made me so sad! Poor Parky was hoping that Nana and Papa would be at church again. He sure loves them! He will randomly ask for "nana" or "papa" at least once a day.

Today was the Primary program in Sacrament meeting. We felt bad, because we really hadn't worked on "Wise Man and the Foolish Man" with him, since the nursery was supposed to sing it. I had just planned on going up front with him. However, about 10 minutes before the nursery's part in the program, Parker fell asleep in my arms. I could hardly believe it! He hasn't fell asleep at church in MONTHS! I have to admit, it was really nice, but I am sure paying for it in back aches tonight. :-(  So, Parker didn't get to participate in his first primary program, but we'll make up for it next year!

Now for some pictures:
Riding the buffalo at the carousel with Daddy :-)  He absolutely loves it! 

Parker ready for the Patriots game!

Today was the first time the Patriots played on TV this season. So, all three of us put on our jerseys! It was a fun night! Too bad the Pat's didn't pull it out in the end.

Ty wanted to take a picture of how I use my tummy as a table.

While I was cooking, Parker kept pulling out everything in the drawers. He ended up like this :-)

Earlier this week, Ty spent 2 days working on getting the Explorer (our only vehicle) to quit leaking power steering fluid. It had gotten to the point where we had to put fluid in every day. To make a long story short, we ended up having to take it in to Meineke to get completely finished. Somehow, it now leaks worse than before. It has absolutely no power steering. I spent one day running errands, and later was hit by contractions. I was so worried! We realized it was from driving the truck. We decided that the time had come that we needed to seriously look for a new car. We were trying to get out of debt, but this was sort of a necessity. We were approved for a small loan, and were able to find this AMAZING car in our price range! It is a 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer OZ Rally edition. The funny thing is that it was owned by a grandma, so it is in great shape, and only has 103,000 miles on it! It was an amazing find, and we are so grateful that the seller was willing to take our offer. We absolutely LOVE IT! It is amazing how the Lord answers our prayers. 

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