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Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Blessing

We had planned to bless Dez on the 24th with most of both of our families here. We were so sad to find out that only Ty's mom could come, and then she ended up sick and unable to come herself. What to do now? I was headed to Canada the next day with my folks and the boys while Ty pulled his shift and then he would join us :-)
We then decided to bless Dez while in Canada so my grandparents could be there, along with all my cousins and aunts and uncles. It sure wasn't the same without Ty's family (or the Botschs). We sure missed them. It turned out to be quite a spiritual weekend for me. I was able to be in the Cardston temple for my cousins sealing. It was a beautiful sealing, and sure reminded me of mine. Unfortunately, Ty wasn't able to be there since someone had to watch the boys. I was so grateful to be there to be reminded of what is most important in this life. Congratulations Morgan & Nikki!
The next day, yesterday, was Easter Sunday--Dez's blessing day. :-) We blessed Dez in Uncle Tracy's ward, where he is the bishop. I am so grateful to have so many worthy priesthood holders in my family. There were eight men in the circle: Tyler, Grandpa Adams (my grandpa), Papa Duce (my dad), Mike Duce (my brother), Tracy Duce (my Uncle), Brad Duce (my cousin), Cody Bass (my cousin), and Ryan Bass (my cousin). It was a beautiful blessing. I was surprised to be prompted to bear my testimony in testimony meeting. I never bear my testimony in public (besides when giving a talk) because I always cry. This was the first time since I was a kid, and the first time Ty has ever heard it. I am grateful for the testimony that I have, and pray that I may be more willing to bear it in the future. Ty said that Parker sat quietly and listened to my entire testimony. That made me realize that I need to make sure to share my testimony with my children. Being an example is important, but verbally expressing our testimony is just as important. It is never too early to start :-)
After the blessing, my wonderful sister, Jacilyn, made a tasty dinner for us all---and we took pictures! My cousin, Cody, did a great job! I'm so excited to get these printed and finally have a nice family picture on my wall. Thanks Cody!!!

After the dinner we did an Easter egg hunt for Parker. While waiting to start, he kept looking out the window and yelling, "Eggs! Eggs!" He was very patient while waiting to finally get to go out. Last year he was more interested in eating his candy after a couple eggs. This year he picked up EVERY egg. He was so cute.

We absolutely loved our time in Raymond this trip :-) Thanks to all who contributed!

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