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Friday, May 2, 2014

Gold Nuggets!

Lately, we have been into watching Gold Rush on Netflix. Parker always says, "Daddy, do you want to watch gold nuggets with me?" So the other day we decided to take a little drive and look for some gold :-)  Ty went online and found that there were some gold areas slightly close to Helena. We drove towards Townsend and hit up Confederate Gulch. There were even still some old machinery and equipment still up there! They had no trespassing signs up, but I just had to trespass and get a picture of (what we thought were) the old shakers.

It was crazy seeing all the piles of rock everywhere that they were looking for gold. Kinda dorky, but it made us feel like we were experiencing the "gold rush"...haha.
Well, we found a place that looked promising, and Ty hopped out to fill our buckets with dirt--to go home and pan. Don't worry, he wasn't trespassing. I'm the only rebel in this relationship ;-)

My good-lookin' miners!

Parker kept asking if he had seen any gold nuggets yet. :-)

Then I just started trying to get some artsy shots. Maybe I will enter some in the fair :-)

We figured this was probably some early miners cabin. Pretty cool.

On the way home the boys were super cute. Parker said, "look mommy! We're holding hands!" This is what I turned around to see :-)

Parkman--my ninja

We brought 3 or 4 buckets of dirt home. We shall see when Ty gets off work if we found any gold nuggets or not :-)

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