How old is Parker?

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 18, 2013

Baby Blue!

I am so excited that I passed on the blue eye gene! This boy sure looks like both of us, but I am glad that he looks more like me (since Ty got to have a mini-me in Parker). :-)  We also noticed the other day that Dez has dimples! YAY! He is so flippin adorable! We are so blessed that he is such a happy little boy. Unless he is hungry, he looks like this all day long:

 Check out them dimples! They are just starting to show. Hopefully they will become more prominent :-)

We were watching a show about alligators the other day, and then Parker wanted to play with his play-dough. He said he made an alligator. Can you believe how good this is?! We were so impressed! He was quite proud as well, if you cant tell ;-)

Here it is close up. Way to go Parks!

Daddy was being silly and climbed in Parkers crib. Parker loved it. Eventually, daddy ended up with a binky in his mouth.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Tuesday's Letter {2}

*Dear Husband:* Thank you SO much for the new laptop. You always go over and beyond spoiling me! I sure love you. I am so proud of your self-control and that you are able to lose weight. *Dear Jeanna:* You better stop making cookies since you're the only one who will eat them. You're gaining what Ty is losing! *Dear Pawn Shop:* Thanks for selling a freakin' nice laptop for cheap! *Dear Tax Return:* Thanks for your arrival, and for paying off debt. It is greatly appreciated! *Dear Parker:* Please tell us why you are so cranky lately. We miss our happy little man. *Dear Dez:* Please get over your dairy allergy, or whatever it is. Momma is sure missing her ice cream and cheese :-) Thanks for being so happy despite it though. *Dear Deer:* We love seeing you in our yard. You are welcome anytime! *Dear Monday:* Please hurry up already...I am dying to know who Sean picks on the Bachelor! ;-) *Dear Neighbors:* We are so grateful for your friendship. Thanks for being great adopted grandparents for Parker. *Dear Red Dawn:* Thanks for gracing us with your presence. You're entertaining and quite funny! *Dear Pinterest:* Please help me find healthy recipes that don't include dairy--I'm getting stumped! *Dear Morgan:* Please hurry up and get married! I want to come to Canada already!