How old is Parker?

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween fun :-)

Happy Halloween!!!
Dez with Brooke Lewis (she's in Parker's preschool class)
Dez with Walker Young (he's in my primary class)
Dez with all the Young boys
Our decorations :-)
Parker says, "I love my grandpa!" (The scarecrow)
Parker in most of his ninja costume

Monday, July 14, 2014

Our Little Cowboy!

We decided to head to the East Helena Rodeo on Friday. Parker, of course, wanted to get all decked out in his cowboy clothes. :)

A really nice photographer came over to us and showed us this adorable shot he took. He said, "I took one look and thought, 'now that's a true cowboy.'" He was nice enough to just email it to us for free. I am in love with this picture! It's definitely getting blown up for the wall :)
This is Parker and his new friend Hayden (Ty's boss' son). We were asking Parker on the drive out there if he wanted to ride a sheep, and he was quite attimate that he did not! However, once he watched Hayden win the mutton bustin, and get a trophy, he now asks every day if he can ride a sheep. He was Hayden's little shadow for the rest of the night :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Videos of my big boys!

YouTube Video

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Our new addition :-)

I am so excited about this! We got an awesome van! It's an 05 Nissan quest. The kids love the built-in DVD player, and Parker especially loves the wireless headphones :-)  it's so fun! Ty bought us a bike rack for the back, so we're all ready for our awesome vacation to Oregon. SOO excited!!! Thanks babe! I love it!!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Lincoln scare

Parker gave us a nice scare. He was laying on the floor with a penny in his mouth ( I had no idea). Suddenly he jumped up hysterical. I finally got him to tell me what was wrong--he swallowed the penny. I wasn't worried about it at first because he wasn't struggling for air and wasn't choking. Then he started complaining that his throat hurt really bad. I finally got ahold of Ty (who was working at urgent care). He told me to take him to the ER. On our way there, Ty called and said that his work could do an X-ray. So off to urgent care we went. Parker did great for the X-rays. These are them:
Both Ty and the doctor were quite concerned. They couldn't quite tell where it was exactly. It definitely wasn't in the stomach though. They eventually sent the pics to a radiologist who decided it was in his esophagus (thank goodness). The doctor listened to his lungs and noticed that one side was less clear than the other. We are trying to wash it down with water and food, but he still won't really eat anything. He's currently enjoying Despicable Me 2, so he hasn't complained in a bit. Hopefully it has finally moved down. (It's been 4 hours) We will be going back in tomorrow for another X-ray. The doctor really did not want it having to be pulled out--he says the risk is not worth it. Hopefully it won't come to that. Pray for us!! Poor parky. :-(

He puked after 4.5 hours :-)

Thursday, June 12, 2014

First camping of 2014

I'm sure there will be many more trips this summer (because we ALL loved it), but here are some pictures from our first camping trip this year :-)

The boys LOVED climbing this little hill up behind the tent. Dez has started to give this cheeser grin when I say "smile!"  I love it :-)

Parker showing me his muscles after climbing up the hill the first time. 

Dezs reaction after I helped him climb to the top too. He just has to do everything Parker does!

The carp we're going NUTS the whole time we were there, so Ty wanted to try and snag one. I honestly did not think he'd get one, but to my surprise, after only about 30 minutes he came back with this :-)

Parker was so proud!

Our pump wouldn't work in the car, so I blew our little raft up myself! Holy! (It wasn't as bad as the air mattress ;-) And we could only find one oar, so it was super difficult to use. Oh well, it was fun and a great workout. 

Somehow we got to the lake (about 25 minutes away) with all four of us and all our camping stuff in our little car. I was sitting between the boys with all three of our laps full, and the front seat stacked to the roof. It was super uncomfortable and Ty had to listen to 2 or maybe 3 of us complaining. ;-) we finally made it and had a great time! And the trip caused Ty to finally want a van too! We'll hopefully be getting a killer deal on one tomorrow! Woohoo! Camping on the Oregon coast?! Heck yes!!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Canada with cousins

 At the end of March, the kids and I took a trip to Canada for 11 days! It was such a fun trip! We did all kinds of stuff! The boys loved baking cookies with Nana...

and eating Nana's cookie dough...

 Parker put a bunch of "swords" in his pants and said he was a ninja. We didn't have a ninja mask, so I made him one out of his pajamas :-)

Riding the tractor with Papa

 Papa let Parker drive the tractor ALL BY HIMSELF! He was ecstatic! This video is hilarious, because he took his job so serious. He was in little boy heaven! Thanks Papa!

A picture of the tracks he made :-)

After about a week or so, Jessica and her boys came up. They had a blast together. With 3 newly-potty-trained boys, it wasn't a rare occerance to find boys in their undies. I thought this was hilarious. I found all 4 boys out digging in the dirt in undies and boots (except Conner who was in his undies and socks). I wish I would have had them line up and pose, but these pictures are all in action.

After wearing themselves out in the yard, they all cuddled up to watch a movie together. I love how they always share one blanket :-)

Conner and Parker are the extreme farm boys--they are always found with Papa.

Papa had a heck of a time trying to drive a quad with 4 boys on there...

I think this is basically the only thing Alex ate the entire time they were there---APPLES!

One-by-one, each boy climbed on the couch to play a game with Conner on the iPad. Dez just had to see what was going on, too.

I had Nana buy carrots so the boys could feed them to the horses. Too bad only one horse would eat them. They all sure squealed as he ate each of their carrots.

My favorite picture--Parker's carrot being eaten :-)

Wrestling match with Uncle Mike

Parker and Alex were little pals. Alex calls Parker almost every day now, and they talk for a while. It is adorable! I guess Alex told Jessica that Parks is his favorite friend....TOO CUTE!!!

We thought Dez would want to sit on the horse...definitely not. He wanted off fast!

 Once again, the farm boys---always wanting to ride horses. Even when it is FREEZING outside!

We had an absolute blast in Canada! Thanks Nana and Papa for having us, and for Mike, Julie, and JJ for making the trip up to see us! :-) We love you all!