How old is Parker?

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, February 28, 2014

Silly faces and letters

My favorite video to date. :-) Parker making silly faces and then talking about his letters!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

New table & chandelier

EMT-P in training

Tyler let parker and dez play paramedic on him :-)


I am finally taking the time to start teaching Parker everyday. He is doing so good. We're mainly working on the ABCs, but I tried to get him to write the word cat and his name. The first three pictures are from day one. He is obsessed with octopuses right now. He always wants to turn the 'C' in cat into an 'O'. Then the 'O' turns into an octopus. But I thought he drew the octopus really well! :-)
The last 2 pictures are from day 2. He's so smart! I love teaching him. It must be the perfect amount of mommy-parker time, cause he's been much better behaved the last couple of days...yippee!
